Keeping Busy/Post NaMoPaiMo

Since February ending, the main thing I've seen in the NaMoPaiMo group are suggestions for more, similar, challenges, and reports of withdrawal.

I'll admit, it's been hard to get motivated without knowing there was an entire group to ask question, share victories, and full of model eye candy. Even with the new group of bodies, I've found myself avoiding finish work. Instead I've been making (very slow) progress on the saddle, most of my pieces are cut out :) (unfortunately this is my workspace, and will be for the saddle until everything is dyed and dried)

Ive also been working on a few "mini-projects" lately. First off, I've been wanting to delve into arabian costumes. Now finally the first step has been taken in a presentation set, tassels! These aren't trimmed yet, but getting my hands used to working with small, fiddly amounts of thread proved more daunting than expected.

I've also started braiding a set of gaming reins. I'm not sure the thickness is right, but I'm still going to finish this braid! Even if it's wrong, I'm sure I can find another use for it :)

I'm starting to have my doubts about being ready for a live show this year, but that's not going to stop me from trying!
