Documentation: tips and tricks

As y'all know, I haven't actually shown yet, so this is a collection of tricks I have found, and things I'm finding helpful as I go. This post does assume you have a class in mind, but maybe not a model selected yet.

1. Watch it! Going to real horse shows in person is great for research and getting your own pictures. Sometimes, that simply isn't possible (for instance, I work every weekend, when almost all shows and clinics around here are). If that's the case, YouTube! For a single entry, I've probably watched about an hour of video of horses performing the event.

2. Find a rulebook! Most event have a rulebook (some online) This will tell you about tack, rider apparel, scoring, and usually how to set the event up. A small section can be used right on your documentation, especially if the there's a diagram :)

3. Keep it short and sweet! Judges are busy. As cool as your 8 page report might be, probably a paragraph or so got read. Most folks seem to stick to a half page as normal, and that feels right to me. Table space is also a commodity at shows, and big books or folders of documentation seems a good way to annoy fellow showers.

4. Stay semi-specific. Okay, I know this one is a little weird. For events, make sure you have a line of what your model is doing in your setup, you can use their name if you like. But in the search for pictures, stay a little more general. No need to spend hours trying to match your model precisely to a picture (hot tip, it may not exist). A picture of a horse performing well, in correct tack is best. Or halter classes, a clear shot of a horse in a common color for the breed, with good confirmation. My classic Selle Francais is gray, but bay and chestnut are more common.

5. When in doubt, document! The show I plan to debut in requires documentation in all performance entries. Some shows might not, but I think at least a sentence or so of explanation would always be included in those classes. But other classes may not do so, like halter. If showing something unusual, or outside the standard, I figure better safe than sorry. Models shown as a cross would probably warrant some explanation too, like this pintarabian! In this case I would look for a nicely dished face, like my model :)

6. Organize! I understand this is a very personal thing, but this hobby is probably the most organized thing in my home lol. I have a pocket folder that has information on my herd, breeds, events for performance, ribbons, and MAN cards. A purchased a model that had earned a few already :) My herd information has a card and hang tag for each model.
