Barn day!

First off, I'm sorry for the silence. I've been working on model things, but just couldn't get a post written :/ Not even when we had a snow flurry in March! (We all thought winter was over for our state)

Yesterday Jade went for her first horseback "lesson". I'm using quotes because at 2, I'm not sure how much she's learning, but definitely having fun. The horse's name was Luna, and we'll be going back in a few weeks!

I've also managed to dye the leather for the saddle.  I was nervous about it and kept putting off the task. Finally last night I did it! I liked q-tips best for dying the small pieces, they offered the best control. The classic wool dauber worked better for even color on the bigger pieces though.

Hot tip: WEAR GLOVES!!
I still have some work to do, edge coating, sealing etc. But hopefully can do a little construction this week :)
